Aaron Miller (Of Minshara)
Amber Nadine
Ben Bollinger (Of Six Bar Break)
Bleed The Dream
Brad Lee Ward
Brandi and The Bottom Shelf
Colby Dove
Dale Sims (Of Demyze)
Dave Gates
Dhali (Ben Stewart of Hierosonic)
DEAD! (My Chemical Romance Tribute)
Don Kovacs
Ernest M. Garcia
Genesis Lorraine
Jackie Cassatt
Jackie & A.J. Cassatt (Of Red Room)
Jason Barsinger (Of Rhea Silva)
Jeff Hurley
Julian Fist
Kevin Koa (3)
Kira Nicole
Langers, The
Lindsey Ryden
Manian Van Hacker (Of Condition K.)
Matt Wheeler
Mycenea Worley
Reese Swiegart
Sofeya and The Puffins
Spiritstone (2)
Tht. Grl
Zachariah Johnson